====== Linux Tricks ====== ===== Useful commands ===== - nethogs : Net top for processes - trickle : Process bandwidth limiter ===== Howtos ===== [[debian-install|My Debian Install]] [[update letsencrypt certificates for wiki and ejabber|update letsencrypt certificates for wiki and ejabber]] [[open_encrypted_partition_keyfile|Opening an encrypted partition with a keyfile]] [[mounting_degraded_raid1|mounting a degraded raid1 partition read-only]] [[SSD/HDD|SSD/HDD]] [[UEFI|UEFI]] [[apache_dokuwiki_ssl_certbot| apache2 + dokuwiki + ssl + letsencrypt (certbot) + virtual hosts (2020) ]] [[apache2 + ssl + debian|apache2 + ssl + debian + virtual hosts]] [[dvdavi|dvd -> avi with multiple audio, subtitles and chapter info]] [[sata_restart | How to force scsi rescanning on sata in case hot plug doesn't want to work]] [[partition_size | How to change the size of partitions and filesystems live]] [[openembedded| Openembedded stuff]] [[starcraft| Star Craft with wine on amd64]] [[encrypted_partition| How to encrypt a partition with dm-crypt (cryptsetup) using LUKS]] [[wordpress|Wordpress]] [[kphotoalbum|Kphotoalbum ]] [[emacs| emacs stuff]] [[game_console_emulators| game console emulators]] [[games| Interesting games]] [[backup| backing up]] [[changeuuid_vbox| changing uuid of virtualbox harddrives]] [[io_apic_vbox|IO APIC and virtual box]] [[red_pdf|reducing pdf size]] [[latex| Latex]] [[mplayer| Mplayer]] [[ros|ROS]] [[multiboot_usb_key|Multiboot usb key (debian installer 32bits 64bits, debian live 32bit 64 bits)]] [[dist_compilation| Distributed compilation]] [[harddrive_setup| 2 x 3TB + GPT + Grub2 + RAID + LVM + ENCRYPTION]] [[wetab| wetab]] [[Overclocking AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 945 Processor|Overclocking AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 945 Processor]] [[Time-lapses|Time-lapses]] [[Git/Gitosis|Git/Gitosis]] [[xfs_defrag|xfs_defrag]] [[zfs_root_cache| Btrfs for root and ZFS for data with ssd cache (2020)]] [[zfs_recover | Recovering files in ZFS 2020]] [[shared_pulseaudio | Network sharing of Pulseaudio 2020]] [[apt_key_gpg| apt-key deprecated error 2020]] [[btrfs| Btrfs 2020]] [[Disk errors and badblocks|Disk errors and badblocks 2020]] [[Hibernate from a non activate swapfile from btrfs|Hibernate from a non activate swapfile from btrfs 2020]] [[nvidia suspend support 2020]] ===== Things to consider to install ===== Zotero: para manejar pdfs. http://blog.holz.ca/2011/11/proudly-presenting/