Table of Contents

Btrfs for root and ZFS for data with ssd cache

We have the following hardware:

And we want the following:

How can ZFS help here:

We will do this:

Steps followed

sudo mkfs.btrfs -L tardis /dev/nvme0n1p3
sudo mkdir /mnt/btrfsbase
sudo mount -t btrfs -o defaults,noatime /dev/nvme0n1p3 /mnt/btrfsbase
sudo btrfs subvolume create /mnt/btrfsbase/activeroot
sudo btrfs subvolume create /mnt/btrfsbase/home
sudo btrfs subvolume create /mnt/btrfsbase/var
sudo btrfs subvolume create /mnt/btrfsbase/fast
sudo btrfs subvolume create /mnt/btrfsbase/swap
sudo mkdir /mnt/newroot/
sudo mount -t btrfs -o defaults,noatime,subvol=activeroot /dev/nvme0n1p3 /mnt/newroot/
sudo debootstrap bullseye /mnt/newroot/
sudo mount --rbind /dev/ /mnt/newroot/dev/
sudo mount --rbind /proc/ /mnt/newroot/proc/
sudo mount --rbind /sys /mnt/newroot/sys/
sudo chroot /mnt/newroot
mount -t btrfs -o defaults,noatime,subvol=home /dev/nvme0n1p3 /home/
mount -t btrfs -o defaults,noatime,subvol=var /dev/nvme0n1p3 /mnt/
cd /var
mv * /mnt/
umount /mnt
mount -t btrfs -o defaults,noatime,subvol=var /dev/nvme0n1p3 /var
mkdir swap
mount -t btrfs -o defaults,noatime,subvol=swap /dev/nvme0n1p3 /swap/
ln -s /proc/self/mounts /etc/mtab
apt update
apt upgrade
apt install --yes locales console-setup
dpkg-reconfigure locales
dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
apt install --yes dpkg-dev linux-headers-amd64 linux-image-amd64
apt install --yes zfs-initramfs btrfs-progs dosfstools
echo REMAKE_INITRD=yes > /etc/dkms/zfs.conf
mkfs.vfat /dev/sdd2 # efi
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdd3 # /boot
mount /dev/sdd3 /mnt
cd /boot
mv * /mnt
umount /mnt
mkdir -p /boot/efi #efi
mount /dev/sdd3 /boot
mount /dev/sdd2 /boot/efi # efi
apt install --yes grub-pc # non-efi
apt install --yes grub-efi-amd64 shim-signed # efi
dpkg --purge os-prober
apt install emacs
cp /usr/share/systemd/tmp.mount /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl enable tmp.mount
grub-probe /boot
update-initramfs -c -k all
grub-install /dev/sdd # non-efi
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi \
  --bootloader-id=debian --recheck --no-floppy # efi
apt install --yes openssh-server
LABEL=tardis					/mnt/btrfsbase btrfs defaults,noatime			0 0
LABEL=tardis   					/	       btrfs defaults,noatime,subvol=activeroot	0 0
LABEL=tardis   					/home	      btrfs defaults,noatime,subvol=home	0 0
LABEL=tardis   					/var	      btrfs defaults,noatime,subvol=var		0 0
LABEL=tardis   		      	    		/swap	      btrfs defaults,noatime,subvol=swap	0 0
UUID="11d65735-75d0-44ce-a158-abd01d98b318"	/boot	      ext4  defaults,noatime			0 0

New system

Create a ZFS pool for main big data!

sudo zpool create tardis  /dev/sdb4 /dev/sde4 /dev/sdf4
sudo zpool create tardis raidz1 /dev/sdb4 /dev/sde4 /dev/sdf4

* option 3: raidz1 but degraded. (without one disk at the beginning) Solution: Use a sparse file as one of the starting disks [10].
truncate -s 8T tardisfake.img (Use the same exact size of the real disk partition) 
sudo zpool create tardis raidz1 /dev/sde4 /dev/sdf4 /home/memeruiz/tardisfake.img
sudo zpool offline tardisnew /home/memeruiz/tardisfake.img
sudo zpool add tardis log /dev/nvme0n1p1
sudo zpool add tardis cache /dev/nvme0n1p2
sudo zfs create -o encryption=on -o keyformat=passphrase tardis/data
sudo zfs create tardis/data/compressed
sudo zfs set compression=on tardis/data/compressed
sudo zfs set mountpoint=legacy tardis/data

How to mount encrypted volume

sudo zpool export tardis
sudo zpool import tardis -l
sudo mount -t zfs tardis/data /srv
zpool add tardis /dev/<diskfile>

Some tricks

offline l2arc (cache) or zil (log) devices

zpool offline poolname device
zpool offline -t poolname device (until next reboot)

online l2arc (cache) or zil (log) devices

zpool online poolname device

add l2arc (cache) or zil (log) devices

zpool add poolname cache device #cache
zpool add poolname log device  #log

remove l2arc (cache) or zil (log) devices

zpool remove poolname device

If a pool becomes damaged or some: Permanent error in some files

errors: Permanent errors have been detected in the following files: 

You can fix that be doing a short scrubing and then stopping:

sudo zpool scrub tardis
# wait a bit
sudo zpool scrub -s tardis

Then error messages are gone

In case you want to interchange (replace) a pool disk (no redundancy).

For example: if this disk is getting damaged: you may want to replace it with a new one, some files may be broken, but using:

sudo zpool replace tardis old_dev new_dev

This will copy everthing from the zfs from that disk to the new one, attach the new one and detach the old one. In this way, it is not necessary to copy the whole disk with dd.

Create a zfs pool using files instead of real disks

mkfile 100m file1
zpool create geekpool /file1

Create a ZFS raidz1 en degrated mode

