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  • GCC_EXEC_PREFIX . For defining the GCC executables prefix


  • Targets without prerequisites are called phony targets (clean target)
  • Is standard practice to have an OBJS(or objects) variable to list all the object files.
  • There is an implicit rule to make .o files out of .c files: example.o: example.h
  • If you have several target depending of the same (not .c) prerequisites you can do: kbd.o command.o files.o : command.h
  • A good clean rule. .PHONY tell explicitly that clean is a phony target (in case there is a file called “clean” in the directory). With -rm execution continues even with errors coming out of rm. Ex:
.PHONY : clean
clean :
           -rm edit $(objects)
  • Variables are used with $()
  • “-” in front of a directive appears to ignore errors.
  • MAKEFILES is an environmental variable that tells make to include the makefiles listed there if they exist. Used in recursive invocations of make.
programming.1245199550.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/01 05:55 (external edit)